How Many 长沙letes Are Hazed?

On the basis of their reported behaviors and activities, 大约80%的受访者在加入大学运动队的过程中都经历过可疑或不可接受的活动. When this figure is projected to the national population, over a quarter of a million athletes - about 255,637人被弄糊涂了 (4).

With all the possible interrelated combinations of acts, 根据学生活动的总体严肃性,将学生分为四组:

  • 21%的人参与了与酒精无关的、不可接受的活动.
  • Another 39 percent were involved in alcohol-related activities.
  • 19 percent were involved in questionable activities only.
  • 19 percent were involved exclusively in acceptable activities.
活动 % 估计N
Acceptable initiation activities only 19% 全国运动员61888人
Questionable initiation rites, no unacceptable activities 19% 61,342 athletes nationally
Alcohol-related initiation; no other unacceptable activities 39% 126,254 athletes nationally
Unacceptable initiation activities, other than alcohol-related 21% 全国68,041名运动员
Hazed (total of questionable, alcohol, & 其他不可接受的) 79% 255,637 athletes nationally


  • One in five athletes was acceptably initiated.
  • One in five athletes was questionably initiated.
  • Three in five athletes were unacceptably initiated.

另外, 42 percent - a figure that projects to about 136,在接受调查的全国运动员中,有160人报告在招募时饮酒. 校园参观通常是新生加入校队的第一步. 因此, 对很多运动员来说, 欺侮实际上始于他们在高中时和未来的大学队友一起喝酒.

此外, 接受调查的所有运动员中有一半(49%)报告在入学后的团队启动活动中饮酒. 这个数字包括饮酒比赛或任何其他可疑或不可接受的饮酒活动. 大约有158,全国有823名运动员参加了饮酒比赛,这是他们进入大学田径队的一部分.

活动 % 估计N
招聘酒精 42% 136,160 athletes nationally
喝酒比赛 49% 158,823 athletes nationally

如前所述, 报告说,在加入大学球队时受到欺侮的运动员人数之间存在显著差异, and in the type of behavior they reported. 因为这个原因, 我们发现,为了估计有多少大学运动员被欺骗加入球队,检查报告的行为更有用. 有, 然而, 承认自己受到了骚扰的受访者提出了一些重要问题.

许多运动员在进入大学之前就接受了可疑的入会仪式. Respondents were asked the age at which they were first hazed. Of those athletes who reported they were hazed in college, 42%的人说他们在高中时也被欺负过,5%的人说他们在初中时被欺负过. 因为报告有欺侮行为的运动员远远多于那些说自己实际上受到欺侮的运动员, 高中生和初中生中欺侮行为的发生率也可能比这些数字所显示的要高得多. This finding requires further study. 根据汉克·努尔在《在线赌博》一书中所做的研究(富兰克林·沃茨/格罗利尔即将出版), 大多数严重到足以引起报纸报道的高中欺侮事件都与高中运动队或啦啦队中的欺侮有关. 关于最近发生在高中的运动员欺侮事件,见文章 阿斯伯里,新泽西,公园出版社.

Younger athletes seem to be notably desensitized to hazing. The majority of students undergoing these experiences, the freshmen and sophomores, often do not acknowledge they were hazed. 三年级和四年级的学生更有可能报告欺侮事件, many of which occurred when they were 18 or younger.

Many athletes wrote comments on their response forms. 一些人说,他们的校园里不存在欺侮行为,或者这是一个“无关紧要的问题”." Others acknowledged hazing, but resisted efforts to stop it, saying it is "part of team chemistry,或者是“传统”.一位学生写道。, "If no one is hurt to the point where they need medical attention, 别管它了. All the kids get accepted when it's over... 90 percent of the time, it's a one-time deal and it's over. 别管它."

教练和管理人员 (5) seemed aware of the positive initiation activities, and unaware of the prevalence of hazing and alcohol use. 只有10%的教练报告说,他们知道校园里有任何欺侮行为. 不到10%的教练和管理人员报告说,他们知道球队入会时饮酒的问题.

Percentage of Respondents Who Knew of Acceptable Initiations
Acceptable Initiation 活动 运动员n = 2027 教练n = 1049 长沙. Dir. n=338 院长n = 235
Attending pre-season training 88% 82% 82% 74%
Tests for skill, endurance, or performance in a sport 79% 75% 80% 68%
Keeping a specific grade point average 75% 69% 68% 67%
Dressing up for team functions (besides uniforms) 73% 68% 58% 47%
Attending a skit night or team roast 55% 31% 34% 14%
Doing volunteer community service 50% 73% 79% 59%
Taking an oath or signing a contract of standards 50% 40% 45% 26%
运动员n = 2027 教练n = 1049 长沙. Dir. n=338 院长n = 235
Questionable Initiation 活动
Yelling, cursing, or swearing 31% 12% 10% 16%
Wearing embarrassing clothing 29% 12% 11% 11%
Tattooing, piercing, head shaving, or branding 28% 15% 16% 16%
Participating in calisthenics not related to sport 13% 3% 3% 3%
Associating with specific people, not others 11% 2% 3% 6%
Acting as personal servant to players off the field, court 9% 3% 2% 3%
Depriving oneself of food, sleep, or hygiene 7% 1% 1% 2%
Consuming extremely spicy/disgusting concoctions 6% 0% 0% 1%
Alcohol-related Initiation 活动
Consuming alcohol on recruitment visits 42% 7% 5% 9%
Participating in a drinking contest 35% 4% 4% 8%
Other Unacceptable Initiation 活动
Making prank calls or harassing others 10% 0% 1% 3%
Destroying or stealing property 7% 2% 3% 3%
Engaging in or simulating sexual acts 6% 1% 0% 2%
Being tied up, taped, or confined in small spaces 5% 2% 1% 0%
Paddling, whipping, beating, kicking, beating others 3% 1% 1% 0%
Kidnapping or transporting and abandoning 3% 1% 1% 0%

几位体育主管和教练否认有必要讨论欺凌或欺凌预防问题. 在他们的书面回复中,他们做出了这样的评论:“这不是问题! 这里不会发生这种事。”... 这是我被要求完成的最荒谬的问卷之一。...(欺侮)从来没有在学生生活委员会的任何会议上提过. If it happened, it would be an isolated case."

一些管理人员担心会把运动员从其他学生群体中挑出来. Others took legalistic approaches, 比如一位高级学生事务官员写道:“请注意,体育部对欺侮没有特殊的政策和程序. 如果发生这种情况,我们会遵循大学的政策和程序吗. 学校通过政策和学生事务条例来防止欺侮行为. 与所有学生一样,欺侮的问题和纪律由上级管理部门处理."

体育主管和教练经常发表的另一个评论是,他们认为欺侮是兄弟会和姐妹会的问题, 但不适合体育运动.

All respondent groups agree that hazing is highly secretive. As one coach put it: "The rules as they are now are good rules. The problem is that we know hazing occurs but we have no proof. No one will come forward so it is not punished. You can't enforce a rule based on hearsay."

Student Reporting of 被欺侮 运动员n = 2027 教练n = 1049 长沙. Dir. n=338 院长n = 235
Would you, or most of your students, report hazing? No
如果没有,为什么没有呢? (检查所有适用的) 60% 52% 54% 71%
It's not a problem; sometimes accidents happen 48% 26% 26% 37%
I just wouldn't tell on my friends, no matter what 26% 30% 36% 54%
Administration wouldn't handle it right & 更糟的是 26% 7% 7% 11%
Not comfortable talking to coach or AD, no one else to tell 6% 7% 11% 11%
队友会让我的生活变得很痛苦,我不得不离开学校 4% 6% 6% 17%

Sixty percent of the athletes said they would not report hazing. Coaches believed that more students would report such incidents, and student affairs officers expected that fewer would report them. 学生们沉默的原因与教练和管理人员期望他们给出的原因不同.

(4) To obtain estimated numbers (prevalence), we weighted our survey sample of 2,027 respondents by gender and division. 使用1996-97 (1998)NCAA参与研究中的NCAA参与率, for gender and NCAA division, 我们将每个性别类别的调查回答者的数量进行划分,以获得样本权重的数字.

(5)管理人员包括体育主任和高级学生事务官员. 为了便于报告,高级学生事务主任在表格中被指定为院长.